
Friday, 13 May 2011

Arthurs Peak

Friday 13th May 2011

Arthurs Peak
Although Arthurs Peak does not look very impressive in the above photo the views from the summit are great.
The start of the walk is at Fortescue Bay on the Tasman Peninsula. From the day use area walk back down the road to find the Cape Pillar track.
Today I started out at 0745. The track to Cape Pillar is a good track and easy to follow. At about 4.5 kms. from the start I came across the track junction with Arthurs Peak to the right. From here the track became quite wet in places and I was continually dodging puddles of water. It was flat across here and gradually Arthurs Peak came into view. The track was lost occasionally but it was generally easy to follow. I did the finally ascent to the summit and was greeted with glorious coastal views. Crescent Bay was most spectacular.
Crescent Bay
I had morning tea overlooking the sea and about 300 metres above it. There were birds flying around and a cruise boat to be seen. After a break I returned to the car.
A good walk with amazing views at the summit.
Note  With the construction of the Three Capes track please check out Steve B's comments below re the access.

Distance: 16.4 kms.
Time: 5'00"
Ascent: 512 metres
Click here to download GPX track.
Mount Brown and Crescent Bay

Looking towards Black Head

Port Arthur Bay

Looking towards Black Head

Port Arthur and Stewarts Bay

Port Arthur and Stewarts Bay


  1. Hello again !!, thought I'd update this track as we did it only a few months ago. The turn off to Arthurs Peak is now harder to find and I think it is not encouraged to use it pending the opening of the new access further South down the Peninsular. The track also has overgrown somewhat alarmingly and I'd say it won't be long before it's totally overgrown especially in the earlier part of the track after branching off the Cape Pillar Track. As you near the peak, where the open area starts it's possible to see the new boardwalk running around the back of the peak from the Northern side and a rough pad exists that joins up to it although it's still possible to go straight up the old way. The standard of track up there is amazing and to the same high standards of the Cape Hauy Track. It continues on Southbound following the clifftops from Arthurs Peak until it suddenly comes to an abrupt halt. We didn't go the other direction so I don't know how far the Denman's Cove end of the track goes. I always loved the solitude of this walk but I'm sure this will change dramatically after the new track is opened and it will become difficult to approach using the old track. However it should still be the shorter way to access the peak as the new track will cut off about where the Mount Fortescue track emerges now onto the Cape Pillar Track making the walk longer so I guess it should hopefully encourage locals to keep using it.
    Best wishes Steve B.

    1. Thanks for the update on this walk, Steve. I will add a note to the post referring to your comment. Cheers, Denis

  2. Walked the old Arthur's Peak last week 13 April 2018. A bit overgrown, its use is now discouraged but still OK to follow. Saw a Parks ranger on the way (on the old Cape Pillar Track) and told him of our intentions. He was OK but wanted us to walk in a S.W direction (on the old Arthur's Peak track) and then walk in a generally easterly direction on the new 3 Capes section of the Track (re-joining the old Carp Pillar track - after a few km's to then complete our circuit) due to the risk of bringing in Phytophthora i.
    e. not do the walk the other way round. We were OK with that.

    1. Yes that is correct. See this post for when I did the walk in 2016. 3 Capes track can only be walked in an anticlockwise direction.
