
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Collins Cap

Wednesday 5th September 2012

Looking west from Collins Cap summit
The walk start is at the Myrtle Forest car park near Collinsvale.
I started off at just after 0900 which is pretty late for me as I usually like to start early. The weather was good and it looked like a good day coming up. The first part of the walk was along the road to the Myrtle Forest Shelter and then up the track beside Myrtle Forest Creek to the Collins Cap Fire Trail. Soon I was on to the Collins Cap track which climbed steadily all the way to the summit.
Collins Bonnet

Trestle Mountain
There were great views from the summit of Collins Cap including some snow capped mountains out to the west. It was rather windy at the top and I had to take shelter to have a snack.
From Summit

From Summit

Trestle Mountain from Summit

Collins Bonnet from Summit

Mount Wellington from Summit
I had also decided to walk to Glen Dhu Rivulet just to make the walk worthwhile. I descended off Collins Cap via the track I had used to walk up and when I reached the Glen Dhu Fire Trail I turned right and walked along this track. The track started off okay but soon became somewhat overgrown, although still easy to follow. The track went downhill for 2.4 kms. to a point where there was some tape on the left. This proved to be the right spot as I followed the tape down to the Rivulet.
Glen Dhu Rivulet

Glen Dhu Rivulet
There was some flow in the Rivulet but I didn't hang around too long as I knew I had a substantial climb back up to the Collins Cap Trail. It was a slow climb back up and I was quite exhausted by the time I reached the top but I knew it was all downhill from here. I got back to the car okay, but quite tired.
It was a good walk with great views, but I don't like that uphill later in the day.
Distance: 12.2 kms.
Time: 5'22"
Ascent: 1046 metres
Click here to download GPX track.

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