
Thursday, 29 August 2013

White Timber Mountain

Thursday 29th August 2013

Okay, I know you can drive to within about 600 metres of the summit of White Timber Mountain and take a short walk of about half an hour to reach the peak, but that does not present much of a challenge, so I thought I would take the longer option. Incidentally, if anyone does want to drive there just follow Judds Creek Road out of Judbury to its end and turn right onto White Timber Trail and drive 1.7 kms. to the track start.
I arrived at the start of the walk, at the intersection of Crabtree and Mitchells Roads at about 0730 and set off immediately. After crossing Crabtree Rivulet, which is quite pretty, Mitchells Road was follow for some time and then it became the Jefferys Track. It was quite steep but in good condition for a 4WD track. It was a grind uphill for about 3.5 kms. and took 1'10" to reach the White Timber Trail. From here the White Timber Trail was followed for 4 kms. until a new gravel section of road was reached. Up to this point the trail was in poor condition with many bog holes full of water caused by 4WDs using the track when they are not supposed to when it is wet. It was not a problem to walk around the water and I did not fall in once. About another kilometre on the right I came across the cairn marking the start of the track to the summit. The track was tapped and cairned all the way although it was quite overgrown and does not appear to get much use.
After a look around at the top and some photos (The best view is from the north east side) I started back down and noticed all the snow capped mountains to the west that I had missed on the ascent. I took more photos but it was quite hazy so they don't show up clearly.
During the walk back to the car on the old section of White Timber Trail I came across a couple of 4WDs churning up the track as previously mentioned. The had come up from Crabtree, the way I had walked, and were heading for Judbury. The walk back to the car was uneventful except for my lack of concentration when I tripped over a small sapling that was jutting out and ended up spreadeagled on the ground with a couple of grazed knees. The wattles are all starting to flower and the sight of them all in blossom was quite picturesque on the walk back down. I arrived at the car at 1340.
Distance: 18.6 kms.
Time: 6'10"
Ascent: 880 metres
Click here to download GPX track.
Crabtree from Mitchells Road

White Timber Trail

White Timber Mountain

White Timber Trail where I encountered 4WDs

From summit looking NW

Mountains to the west

Mountains to the west

Jefferys Track

On Mitchells Road

Crabtree Rivulet

Crabtree Rivulet


  1. Hi Denis, we live on Mitchells Rd & are part of a group (WWPG - see us on facebook or our out-of-date website) that has worked over several years to protect the state forest between us & Judbury from clearfell logging. One of our strategies has been to promote good walks in the area, such as to Billy Browns Falls (we produced a walking guide & had it publicised by John Cannon etc). We would like to do similar for this White Timber Mtn walk. May we pinch a couple of your pictures - ie view from the top & snow-capped mtns? Perhaps you have better resolution copies? We can be contacted at Many thanks, Jenny

    1. Hi Jenny, Have sent a reply to your wwpg email address. Cheers, Denis
