
Monday, 30 September 2013

Prosser Sugarloaf

Sunday 29th September 2013

Today I was thinking of going to Nevada Peak but when I looked out the window this morning the peak was shrouded in cloud and even the line of hills before it were not visible so I abandoned that plan and chose to do Prosser Sugarloaf instead. I don't mind walking in cloud at all but I do like to have some sort of view when I finally get there.
Additional information on Prosser Sugarloaf from Wielangta Road is at Rockmonkeyadventures or Prosser Sugarloaf via Twamley at Bushwalks.
Sandspit River
I arrived at the small parking area on Wielangta Road after a one and a half hour drive and set off walking at 0840. I could hear a chainsaw not far away and after I crossed the bridge over the Sandspit River I could see a guy cutting up a tree that he had felled just inside the forestry gate. After we exchanged a few pleasantries I continued on my way. Just as a bit of information it appears that this gate is never locked and only held shut by a small twig inserted where the lock should be. Consequently, I could have driven to within about 1 km. of Prosser Sugarloaf and had a very short walk but that would be hardly worth it.
Anyway I continued on up the road which rises steadily for 500 metres over 6 kms. This is a well maintained forestry road and is easy walking.
Good forestry road
Minor forestry road
After about 5 kms. of walking a minor track branched off to the left and this was quite wet and muddy in places but quite okay for walking.It was obvious that this is a very popular area for cutting firewood as there was evidence everywhere of felled trees and logs cut or marked for cutting. The forest in this area was rather pleasant to walk through although a fire had passed through here not so long ago. There were copious amounts of all sorts of wild flowers about and there were many birds singing in the trees.
At about 6.5 kms. of walking the track descended fairly steeply and crossed Wielangta Creek, which was only a trickle, really. It was amazing the change in the vegetation in dropping down to the creek as it went from dry eucalypt forest to more of a rain forest and was quite wet underfoot in places.
The track then climbed after the creek and eventually I came to a T junction. I opted for the right track and followed this around for 0.5 kms. or so before heading off track up a ridge that appeared to be heading in the right direction to the summit. It was then just a matter of rock hopping and climbing over downed trees to head in a south easterly direction to the summit. Care had to be taken on some of the rocks as even large ones tended to move underfoot.
I reached the summit at about 1130 and had a bite to eat. The views from here were very limited because of the trees but it was possible to see a little to the north and south. There was a trig marker and sort of a cairn here. I didn't spend too much time at the summit and then headed down in a close to northerly direction to meet up with a track. Just before reaching the track the forest became rather thick and required a bit of effort to get through. This track was followed back to the previously mentioned T junction, thus completing a small circuit.
All I did then was retrace my steps back to the car. I did take a small detour to check to see if there was another track that would cut across where the main road had a large sweeping bend, but could not find anything useful. I arrived back at the car at 1355, the timber cutter had gone and the forest was peaceful once more.
Distance: 16.7 kms.
Time: 5'13"
Ascent: 860 metres
Click here to download GPX track.
Wielangta Creek


North from summit

Maria Island from main forestry road

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