
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Hellfire Bluff

Saturday 16th November 2013

Start of Hellfire Bluff
 Note: Please see the comment below regarding a log blocking the access to the walk start.

To get to the start of today's walk I had to drive out almost to Copping and turn off onto the road that passes through Kellevie and then onto Wielangta Road. At 568767/5269139 I turned right into a forestry road and followed this for 7.4 kms. to arrive at a quarry where I parked. This road was okay for 2WD with care but I did have to drive under a large gum tree which was leaning across the road. There was only enough space for my vehicle to pass under and all day I was hoping that it remained where it was because if it had come down I don't know how I would have been able to get out. I had a few different routes planned for this walk but when I checked a couple out I was not impressed with the steepness and scrubiness of a couple, so I decided to stick with the original route that I had planned.
Cockle Bay Track
I started walking at 0845 and the first 500 metres was a scrub bash downhill to meet up with a very overgrown pad through the bush.This was followed for a further 500 metres before encountering an old overgrown road which I walked for a short distance before arriving at an open area which had obviously been cleared in the past. I could see the Cockle Bay Track in the distance so I walked down to it and turned left and started walking uphill. Just a note here that from the start of the walk to the Cockle Bay Track is on private property but I saw no evidence of buildings, fences, stock or people and I am sure that other people have walked this way, although not too many, gauging by the state of the track through the bush.
Looking south from Cockle Bay Track
The track went uphill for some distance and at 4.3 kms. from the start and at 574094/5268202 I turned right onto a 4WD track that went uphill. This was followed until it petered out and then the track was just a walking pad along the cliff tops. At some places the track went within centimetres of the edge so some care needed to be taken. The views along here were spectacular and the water was like glass. I would guess that is why there were so many boats out fishing. There were quite a fews ups and downs along the way and just when you thought you were reaching the end another hill loomed up. Most of the time there was no real track to follow but it was just a matter of following the top of the ridge along. At some points the track was over 200 metres above the water and that was a long way down.
I finally reached the trig point at Hellfire Bluff at about 1100 where I had an early lunch and then headed back to the car. Overall a good walk with great views.
Distance: 13.8 kms.
Time: 5'01"
Ascent: 800 metres
Click here to download GPX track.
Marion Bay

Bluff Beach, Pine Creek Beach, Eagles Beach, Marion Beach

Blowhole Point

Looking south

From Hellfire Bluff

Hellfire Bluff Trig

Looking north from Hellfire Bluff


  1. Hi there,
    Thanks very much for this post, we just followed your steps literally and had a great day. The first bit through the forest was a bit rough but my mate was quite amusing as he got tangled up in those stringy vines and prickly plants that occupied part of the area and once down the hill there was even a hint of a pad. Once out onto the cleared area near the Cockle Bay Track it was pretty well straight sailing through to the bluff. Appreciate the GPS info as I doubt we'd have done the walk to start with and look forward to trying out some of your other walks as we've started to run out of ideas somewhat in the South East.
    Best wishes Steve B.

    1. Thanks for your comments, Steve. Glad to hear that you had a good day. If you have any walks that you would like to share, I would be most appreciative, as I am always on the lookout for new ones. Cheers, Denis

  2. Hi Denis, many thanks. We used your GPX file to make for a very straight forward walk (other than the initial scrub). The log over the road has recently been cut and one can drive around it now. Sadly the forestry road is getting overgrown (mainly beyond the log) - car got a few scratches ( :-( ). Cheers, Murray.

  3. Almost 10yrs since this track has been noted or even walked upon, my name is Aaron I run Tas hiking adventures on YouTube, I WILL NOT post the name of this place as I loved no tourists or others where out here had the area all to ourselves, I was here in winter and started late and made it to the 2nd hill had to turn back due to no daylight, so I came back with a mate walked clean past David's fancy home and under Hellfire bluff we setup camp in the secret spot with the tables etc, setup camp then walked up to the trig station, was hard to see any track or cairn rocks from the fallen fence on the last hill climb but you just follow that ridge and you'll come across cairns and find the trig station, happy to say I've now done it thanks again Denis ya true blue legend appreciate the track notes and it's a amazing spot without tourists I'll keep this one in my back pocket without the name of the area etc esp ony YouTube channel, if anybody needs water there is a big green shipping container before walchys mansion it has a tap and shower and clean drinking water as there isn't much out there, just please for the love of this land don't post anything on sookbook about the area show it off yes but don't name it, not many people.know about this special quiet place, seen 5 echidnas and 1 black tiger, thanks Denis
