
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Mount Riveaux

Saturday 7th December 2013

Today I was tossing up whether to walk to Mount Riveaux or to walk along the Huon Track to Blakes Opening. It was going to depend on the weather, because if Mount Riveaux was in cloud , then I would choose the latter option. As it turned out the mountain was cloud free when I arrived at the starting point, so up I went.
To reach the start of the walk, drive out from Geeveston to almost Tahune and then turn left into Picton Road and right into Riveaux Road. Drive to a locked gate on Riveaux Road and park here.
I set off walking just after 0800.The first section of the walk was along Riveaux Road which sloped gently downwards for about 3 kms. before reaching another locked gate. Just after this were some tapes on the left denoting the start of the "track". The track went steeply uphill at first before becoming more gentle but still climbing all the way. There were countless logs to clamber over or under and some were quite large. After a time a steeper section was reached and just above this was a small creek with a subsequent muddy area and some cutting grass. Beyond this section was an area of Bauera which has taken over the track. The track is almost nonexistent in this area, and, but for the tapes, it would be not easy to follow. The Bauera seemed to go on and on, but after battling through I finally reached the rocks for the final climb to the summit. There was some misty rain falling at this stage, but nothing to damping the spirits. There were good views from the top and after a short break I headed back down.
I only ended up with one leech today which was quite surprising really, due to the dampness of the forest.
Distance: 13.8 kms.
Time: 7'41"
Ascent: 837 metres
Click here to download GPX track.

                                                             Various views from the summit

1 comment:

  1. What a great hike. I didn't know it even existed - will add it to the "to do" list for when I eventually move back home. Thanks for posting!
