
Friday, 16 September 2016

Adamsons and Creekton Falls

Friday 16th September 2016

Adamsons Falls
Firstly I want to thank John who re taped the track between Adamsons Falls and Duckhole Lake a few days ago which made finding the track very easy.
This walk is probably best completed by parking a car at the start of the Adamsons Falls track and also one at the start of the Duckhole Lake track and walk in a clockwise direction. As I was by myself I parked at the Duckhole Lake track and walked along the road to the start of the Adamsons Falls track. This added about 45" and 3.5 kms. to the distance. No problem, really.
The Adamsons Falls track was wet in the usual places but not too bad really. It appears that Parks have recently been along and chainsawed some of the larger trees.

Adamsons Falls track

Large tree that has come down

Adamsons Falls track
 I reached Adamsons Falls 1'50" after setting out and found that the falls were flowing quite well.

Adamsons Falls

Adamsons Falls

Adamsons Falls
 I did not hang around too long here as I was getting wet from the spray. I crossed the creek at the base of the falls and found the track heading across to Creekton Falls. This is a track that more or less follows around the escarpment at the base of a cliff line. It is a rough track but is now well marked as previously mentioned. It did seem to go on and on but I eventually reached Creekton Rivulet and walked up to the falls.
A view from the track between the falls

Cliff line and track

Cliff line

Track between falls

Large fungus

Water weeping from rocks beside track
Creekton Falls were also flowing well and I stopped for a short time to get some photos.

Creekton Falls

Creekton Falls

Creekton Falls
Creekton Falls
I then headed back down the track beside the rivulet before finding a nice spot for lunch on a large rock near a small cascade.

Lunch Spot
The track continued on and then crossed the rivulet via a log bridge. Now, because my balance is not what it used to be, I opted to use the rocks in the bottom of the stream to cross over.

Log bridge crossing
The track carried on to Duckhole Lake and from there back to the car was mostly on boardwalk. I was glad the car was at the end of the track because I would not have felt like walking uphill if it was up at the Adamsons track start.

Duckhole Lake

Duckhole Lake

Creekton Rivulet

Creekton Rivulet
This was a really good walk. The track between the two falls is rough in places with trees down here and there but quite easily followed.
Distance: 13.2 kms.
Time: 5'34"
Ascent: 500 metres
Click here to download GPX file.

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