
Thursday, 31 August 2017

Grasstree Hill Falls

Thursday 31st August 2017

"Grasstree Hill Falls"
I had seen these falls marked on a map and had no information on them, but decided to go and have a look anyway. The falls turned out to be a disappointment as there was no flow at all and it looked as if the creek had not had any water in it for a long time. I thought that after the recent rain there may have been something, but alas, no. The walk turned out to be quite good and went through some nice forest.
I set off from the car park at Risdon Brook Reservoir and turned off the main track at the inlet on the eastern side.
Risdon Brook Reservoir

Risdon Brook Reservoir
The track gradually climbed uphill and when I was nearing the falls area, I left the track and climbed down into the gully made by the "stream". I have called these falls by that name as they are on a tributary of Grasstree Hill Rivulet. I don't know of any other name. The descent to the base of the cliffs was a little steep and then I walked along the cliffs for a time.
Beside track

Beside track

Beside track

In Rivulet Gully
I continued on towards the "falls" but as there was no water in the creek and there was no way up near the base of the falls, I climbed up early and walked to the top of the falls. It would be okay if it ever had water in it.
Risdon Vale from top of falls
From here I walked upstream through some nice forest to an old track where there were numerous grass trees.

This track went up to Split Rock Saddle where I turned left and headed back west towards Risdon Brook. There was some really nice forest here and it was easy walking. I took a detour up to the top of a hill where there were excellent views.
Nice forest

From Hill

Madmans Hill and Gunners quoin

From Hill

From Hill

On hill
After walking down from the hill I carried on and took an old sidetrack back to the Grasstree Hill track. Along here was an old abandoned shack.

Once I reached the Grasstree Hill track I walked along it for a short distance before heading west along a ridge line. I wanted to check out a rocky outcrop at the end of this ridge. It was easy walking and as I neared the end of the ridge and the cliffs it became rockier but still okay walking.
Rocky Ridge

Looking down from cliffs

Gunners Quoin

Looking down from cliffs to Risdon Brook
From here I walked along the side of the cliffs before picking up the ridge than ran right down to Risdon Brook. When I reached it there was no water to be seen.
Risdon Brook

Risdon Brook
 I shortly came across a few puddles where the stream passed over solid rock. It was easy rock hopping down the creek.
Risdon Brook

Risdon Brook
Once I reached the end of the creek and civilization, I walked around the western side of the reservoir and back to the car.
This was a good walk despite the falls disappointment  and some of it is off track.
Distance: 11.7 kms.
Time: 5'05"
Ascent: 570 metres
Click here to download GPX file.

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