
Sunday, 5 November 2017

Waterfall Bluff

Sunday 5th November 2017

From Waterfall Bluff...Cape Hauy in distance
I took some friends down to the Tasman Peninsula to walk to Waterfall Bluff as they had not walked along that part of the coastline before. Although parts of it can be a little crowded with tourists at times, it is not too bad if tackled early in the day, and there are a few isolated sections that are little used. I elected to start from Egg Beach where some steps have been provided at the point where the penguins come ashore. We walked along Egg Beach before exiting just before the Blowhole and then across a newly erected flash bridge and into the National Park.
New bridge across the creek
Once into the park we immediately turned left uphill along a track that followed the coastline around to the tourist sites of Tasman Arch and Devils Kitchen.
Along Coast

Along Coast

Along Coast

Tasman Arch

From Lookout

Devils Kitchen
It was then on to Waterfall Bay checking out the various lookouts on the way.
Along Coast

Patersons Arch

Cape Hauy

Along Coast

Waterfall Bay

Waterfall Bay

Waterfall Bay
From Waterfall Bay we walked along the track to Waterfall Bluff where the views were great as usual.
North from Waterfall Bluff

South from Waterfall Bluff

Down from Waterfall Bluff

Waterfall Bluff
 After taking in the views we headed back and soon started running into tourists and other walkers. We found a good log off track for lunch and resumed our trek back. At Tasman Arch we took another old track that went past a dam and then back to Egg Beach and the car.
A great easy walk with splendid views of rugged coastal scenery.
Distance: 13.0 kms.
Time: 4'30"
Ascent: 380 metres
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