
Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Tinpot Island

Tuesday 5th December 2017

Tinpot Island
 I parked in a largish car park in Sommers Bay Road at Sommers Bay just out of Murdunna on the Forestier Peninsula. There was space beside the road at the start of the walk proper but I thought it would be safer there. It was only 500 metres up the road to the path down to the jetty. The weather was perfect with no breeze at all.

Sommers Bay

Sommers Bay Jetty
From the jetty I walked along a faint path around the headland to the pick up the reasonable track that follows the Flinders Bay foreshore to Flinders Bay settlement.

Track to Flinders Bay

Flinders Bay

Flinders Bay Settlement

Flinders Creek
Flinders Bay
Once past the settlement there was a rock hop around the next point as the bush was not too inviting. The rocks were good for rock hopping and it did not take too long to round the point and find some more open country along the foreshore.

The rock hop

Flinders Bay

Rounding the point and more open country ahead
Once I reached the open country it was reasonably easy walking with the occasional casuarina scrub and the odd short rock hop to round another larger headland.

Open Country

Towards Tasman Peninsula

A bit more rock hopping
From this headland I could see the Mackerel Islets which were off the last point that I had to negotiate before reaching Tinpot Island. I carried on around the coast to that point. There were some buoys washed up on the beach and there was plenty of bird life on the islets.
Little rocky beach

Mackerel Islets

From the point at Mackerel Islets

Mackerel Islets
After the islets there was a bit of a scrubby walk around to Tinpot Island with the odd rock hop. I soon reached the island and settled down for lunch. I debated about whether to cross over to the island or not but decided against it as I did not feel like walking back with wet boots. It would have been quite easy as the water was not deep.

Tinpot Island

Tinpot Island and looking out to Norfolk Bay
After a short break I chose to walk across country to pick up my outward track. It was a bit scrubby but not too bad and it saved me 600 metres but only about 10 minutes and was probably easier. I made sure to keep in the reserve at all times. Once back to the shore again it was just a simple matter of walking back to the car.

Sea Urchin
This was a good walk and I saw no one for the entire walk which was good.
Distance: 15.1 kms.
Time: 6'01"
Ascent: 270 metres
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  1. Have walked this once and kayaked around another time. There is some convict history at the Flinders Bay Settlement, but it doesn't seem much is known about it. We had a brief look on one visit, but I think the scrub surrounding the shacks beat us.

    1. Yes, I think it was a probation station back in the days. I guess it is just holiday shacks now as I did not see any one around.
