
Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Willies Falls

Tuesday 10th February 2015

Willies Falls
Before the flow in all the creeks and rivers decreased, I thought I would get in a short walk to Willies Falls. I have had it on the to do list for quite a while and as the weather forecast was good, today was the day. I did not have much information on the falls so figured I would just access them from the Jefferys Track in the Crabtree area.
To reach the start, drive out from Grove on Crabtree Road and park at the intersection with Mitchells Road. If you own a good 4WD it is possible to drive up Mitchells Road and the Jefferys Track to reach the point where I left the road.
Looking towards Crabtree from Mitchells Road
Personally, I don't mind the walk up Jefferys Road so I set off and after about 1.8 kms. turned off onto an old overgrown track. I did start going the wrong way for a short distance but soon corrected my error and found what I thought was an old track. Whether it was or wasn't, I don't know, but the walking was quite easy through fairly open forest.
Big old tree in the forest
It was flat walking for a time before I started heading downhill towards the rivulet. It became very steep as I neared the rivulet and I stayed just above the water and walked upstream to the falls. They were really much better than I was expecting and had a reasonable flow.
Scree field on the western bank of the rivulet
I really liked this place. It seemed to have a special feeling about it. I then climbed up to the top of the falls where I crossed over onto a flattish rock section where I had a snack and a break.
Walking up to the top of falls

Top of falls
I started heading back but could hear what seemed like more falls a bit higher up, so of course I had to investigate. It turned out to be well worthwhile because the falls above Willies Falls are also very nice. I dare say it would be great for a swim in the pool here on a hot summers day.
Falls above Willies Falls

Swimming pool above Willies Falls
From here I climbed back up to the ridge and followed this back to the Jefferys Track and back to the car. The route I used coming back from the falls to the road was much more user friendly with only a gentle slope to climb.
This was a great little walk, much better than I had anticipated.
Please Note. I have done the walk this way to avoid private property. Please do not walk up the rivulet from Crabtree Road as it passes through two private properties. The route I used was quite easy.
Distance: 6.3 kms.
Time: 3'20"
Ascent: 465 metres
Click here to download GPX file.
Willies Falls

Walking up to the top of falls

Western bank of Crabtree Rivulet

Crabtree Rivulet from bridge on Mitchells Road

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post, Denis. Interesting reading. I hope to get down there and see this one for myself in the next couple of months. It looks like a nice little workout, with an excellent reward in the middle.
