Thursday 22nd December 2016
Shag Point |
We spent a week over Christmas at
Blueberry Bay Cottage for some R & R and where I managed to get in a couple of short walks.
This is the first one where I actually started and finished at the cottage but it is just as easy to start from the parking area where the the Cygnet Coast Road comes down to the beach about 100 metres from the cottage. A walking track starts just past the cottage and follows the coastline around to Poverty Point, Beaupre Point and Drip Beach.
I set off not knowing the track was there and came across it by accident. I had intended to walk around the rocks but the track made it easier. It is best to do this walk at low tide to make the rock excursions simpler.
Towards Poverty Point |
Towards Brooks Bay |
Towards Police Point |
Coastal track |
Towards Poverty Point |
I walked along the track to Poverty Point and was going to walk around the rocks but that was not possible, so I backtracked a little and scrambled up to the top of the cliffs and picked up an overgrown track that led back to the main track.
Poverty Point |
Oyster Catcher |
Towards Beaupre Point |
Small cave |
I followed the track around and then walked along the beach of Gourlays Bay to Beaupre Point. There was a faint track along the point which I walked with deviations to the beach at times.
Beaupre Point |
Gourlays Bay |
Gourlays Bay and Beaupre Point |
Poverty Point |
Once around Beaupre Point the walk continued around the rocks to Drip Beach which was all easy walking.
Small Anemone |
Beaupre Point |
Drip Beach |
Beaupre Point |
The walk went around the coast to Shag Point where there were lots of fossils of shells. Actually there are shell fossils all around the coast here.
After rounding Shag Point I continued on to Copper Alley Bay where I picked up Nichols Road and followed it back to Cygnet Coast Road and back to the start.
This was an good easy walk with some nice coastal scenery.
Distance: 10.6 kms.
Time: 2'52"
Ascent: 170 metres
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