Monday 2nd May 2016
Lake Repulse |
I chose to start the walk on Thunderbolt Road off Dawson Road in the Lake Repulse area.
It was a fine day after yesterday's rain and there were lots of puddles along the tracks and some of the creeks were flowing which is a nice change. I had debated whether I should drive up the track further but opted not too. Just as well as there were deep holes which I would not take my vehicle through.
Access track to the lake |
I walked the first track down to the lake and that was about 1.5 kms. From there the track paralleled the lake for another 1.5 kms. where there were a couple of offshoots down to the lake shore. These were obvious camping spots because of the amount of rubbish lying around. It is so disappointing!!
Lake Repulse |
Lake Repulse |
Improvised Boat Ramp |
After the last visit down to the lake shore the track started climbing. I knew that it eventually linked back to where the car was parked and I knew I would probably have to leave it at some stage to continue on along beside the lake. Sure enough, I left the track when I could see where I wanted to go and descended steeply to a small creek and inlet.
Small Creek and Inlet |
Lake Repulse |
Lake Repulse |
After the creek it was all off track through mostly open forest beside the lake. I startled a couple of possums that were up a tree. I don't know what they were doing out in the daylight-maybe up to mischief, because they are the first ones I have seen when walking. I also saw another smaller one later on.
Lake Repulse |
Open Forest |
Open Forest |
I continued along and came to a bend in the lake, where on the side I was on, the land sloped steeply down to the lake. I tried following an animal pad for a time beside the water's edge but it was quite messy so opted to climb up and over the hill. This proved to be a good idea. From the top there was a steep descent to another creek and from then on fairly flat to the Catagunya Power Station, which was my destination. The scrub varied but it was mostly open and easy walking.
From Hill |
From Hill |
From Hill |
As I neared the power station I could hear a hum coming from it. There were quite a number of diesel generators visible and I don't know if the hum was coming from them or it was the natural hum of a hydro station. Just before reaching the power station I happened upon a camping spot with an innovative giant heater.
Camping Spot |
Catagunya Power Staion |
Catagunya Power Station |
Catagunya Power Station with Diesel Generators |
I went for a wander around but was not too sure whether I should have been there or not as there were a couple of workmen on the bridge and they had the road closed off. I didn't hang around too long and started heading back the way I had come. When I came to the dicky section on the water's edge I went up high and continued staying high for quite a while before descending to the creek. Here are a couple of shots from up high and a couple more of the lake on the way back.
When I reached the section where I had followed the track uphill I stayed beside the lake and eventually found an overgrown track whick led me back to the road and finally the car.
This was an enjoyable walk with some nice scenery thrown in. I had not been in that area before.
Distance: 15.5 kms.
Time: 5'34"
Ascent: 560 metres
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