
Tuesday 25 June 2019

Big Lagoon Beach

Tuesday 25th June 2019

Big Lagoon Beach
It was a cold and frosty morning and the drive down to the start of the walk was a bit slippery in places due to the frosty roads but we got to the start of the walk without incident. For access see previous post here. The locked gate has been destroyed so just drive to the walk start.
It was wet and boggy in a lots of places but that is to be expected this time of year. There was ice in the puddles and some snow on the peaks.

 We made good time to the beach and walked along it for a distance before crossing over the spit to the lagoon side. Normally I would walk around the spit on the rocks but time restraints did not allow that.

The tide was out and this made walking on the lagoon side easy. At a convenient point a track was picked up across the spit to the ocean side and we walked back to the car.
A nice walk on a perfect winter's day.