Friday 31st March 2017
Eliza Point |
I could have called this walk a few different names but settled on Eliza Point as it is approximately half way along. Other places visited included Big Lagoon Beach, Little Lagoon Beach and Black Swan Lagoon, all of which are special in their own right.
The walk starts in South Cape Spur 1 and after turning off the main road into this, drive for 3 kms. and park at the locked gate.
I set off a bit after 0800 and walked down the usual track to Big Lagoon Beach. The track was quite dry which made walking very easy. Anywhere in this area is best walked in the dry because once the winter rains start, it becomes somewhat of a quagmire with water and mud that has to be negotiated.
Button Grass Plains |
Remains of an old bridge |
An example of the track |
Once I arrived at Big Lagoon Beach, I headed south along the coastline towards Eliza Point. I had not been this way before and was not sure what to expect. I knew there would be plenty of rock hopping, but how hard or easy it would be, I did not know. As it turned out it was quite easy with the rocks varying in size from pebbles to boulders.
Big Lagoon Beach looking North |
Big Lagoon Beach looking South |
Heading South |
Nice little beach heading South |
I actually reached Eliza Point much sooner than expected. If you don't like rock hopping then I would avoid this walk as there is 2.0 kms. of it along the coastline, but as I have already mentioned, it is quite easy.
Heading South |
Looking back to Big Lagoon Beach |
Heading South |
Heading South |
Little Bay at Eliza Point |
Once I reached Eliza Point I headed inland on an old track and then veered off down to the point just south of Eliza Point where I had a little break.
Looking towards Fishers Point and Cockle Creek |
Looking towards Fishers Point and Cockle Creek |
Looking North at rest stop |
I then walked back to the track and along it down to Little Lagoon Beach.
Little Lagoon Beach |
Little Lagoon Beach |
Little Lagoon Beach |
Little Lagoon Beach |
Looking towards Fishers Point |
After walking almost to the end of Little Lagoon Beach, I exited to the old track and up another old track to hopefully get a view of Black Swan Lagoon. I did get views of the Lagoon and it is very easy to see where it got its name. It was teeming with black swans all making a whole lot of noise.
Black Swan Lagoon |
Black Swan Lagoon |
Black Swan Lagoon and peaks to the West |
Fishers Point, Sullivan Point and Black Swan Lagoon |
An example of track heading back |
I just kept walking back along the track to the car. There is a section of about 1.0 km. in length and down towards the car which is being gradually overtaken with cutting grass on this track. It makes route finding a little difficult in places and some scrub bashing is required.
Other than that this is a great little walk visiting a couple of pristine beaches where I saw no other footprints.
Distance: 14.1 kms.
Time: 4'20
Ascent: 225 metres
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