
Friday, 27 October 2017

Mount Marian

Friday 27th October 2017

Mount Marian
It is quite a number of years since I walked to Mount Marian, and that was from Myrtle Forest. This time I started from the end of Suhrs Road in Collinsvale, just for a bit of variation. Actually Mount Marian is one of my favourite walks in the Wellington Range.
I set off through the farm and then into Wellington Park on the Collins Cap Trail. The track went uphill for a couple of kilometres and gained about 250 metres in height before levelling out somewhat.The vegetation around the Collins Cap area is really stuggling to recover from the fires a few years ago.
Walking through the farm

Collins Cap Trail

Collins Cap Trail and fire damage

Trestle Mountain

Collins Bonnet
I passed Collins Cap and Collins Bonnet and met up with the East West Trail and then took the short cut below Trestle Mountain to the trail again before stopping off at the large Pineapple Grass field for a snack. It is always a pleasant place to stop if coming this way.
Trestle Mountain

Pineapple Grass Field

Pineapple Grass Field

Trestle Mountain
After that I kept going along the trail past the Ringwood Trail to the Mount Marian turnoff. The track up to the summit is still quite easy to follow and I reached the summit after 45 minutes of gentle climbing. The views from up hear did not disappoint as it was a stunning day, although a little hazy. There was a stiff breeze blowing and it was quite cool after sweating on the ascent. There was even some snow on the distant peaks.
Collins Cap

Mount Field

Mount Weld

Collins Bonnet

Mount Montagu
On Summit

On Summit

Summit Cairn

On Summit

On Summit

On Track near Summit
After lunch I simply headed back the way I had come to the car. I did not see anyone else on the walk, which was rather surprising, because it was such a beautiful day.
As always, this was a great walk and starting in Suhrs Road means a little less climbing to reach the top of the Collins Cap Trail as compared to starting at Myrtle Forest.
Distance: 16.2 kms.
Time: 5"27"
Ascent: 730 metres
Click here to download GPX file.


  1. Looks like a great walk on a lovely day, Dennis. Love the pictures of the snow on the mountains.

    1. Yes Chris, a good walk and an excellent day, weather wise. Friends in Qld. can't believe that we still have snow whilst they are sweltering up north.
