
Monday, 11 September 2017

Macgregor Peak

Sunday 10th September 2017

View south from Macgregor Peak
The last time I was at Macgregor Peak was about 5 years ago and I did not do a post on it at that time.
Today I took a friend along and we did the traditional circuit walk and also included an extra section east along Schofields Road, because I wanted to check out the access to Deep Glen Bay for a future walk.
The walk start is on Macgregor Road off the Arthur Highway. Macgregor Road is about 5.0 kms. south of Murdunna.
We set off up the gravel road and then up a short track section to the fire tower.

From Fire tower

I climbed up to the platform below the top but the trees are really starting to obscure the view now although there are still some to be had. From here we followed the track up through dry type forest and then into the rain forest proper. This is called the "magic forest" and it is quite beautiful with masses of ferns and moss etc. One thing I was not expecting to see today was some snow, but sure enough as we gained altitude it became thicker. It was only remnant stuff but it was rather pretty in amidst the forest.

We soon reached the trig marker and walked out to the large rock which provides the only real view from the summit.
Macgregor Peak Summit

Pirates Bay from Summit

Cape Hauy in the distance
After taking in the views we walked along the ridge line before descending to Schofields Road. There was actually more snow along here as it was on the sheltered side and there were better views than at the summit from a rock beside the track. There was also nice rainforest along here.

Note: Be careful when venturing past the peak as there are some old tapes and people have become disorientated. See comment below by Sorell Police

 Once we reached the road we turned east and walked down to where I thought the access to Deep Glen Bay should be and sure enough we found a tapped track that was heading down to the bay. This was put in the memory bank for another day. We had some lunch and walked back to the car along Schofields Road and another forestry track.
This was an excellent walk on a perfect spring day.
Distance: 12.1 kms.
Time: 4'50"
Ascent: 615 metres
If just doing the traditional circuit the following data applies.
Distance: 8.9 kms.
Time: 3'15"
Click here to download GPX file.


  1. A couple of walkers just became disorientated following old tapes. Care needs to be taken when heading beyond the peak they they don't follow a different route on the way back. from Matthew, Sorell Police.

    1. Thanks for your comment Matthew. I will make a note in the post with reference to that.

  2. Hi, thanks for the info. Appreciate the .gps file, it is now on my to do list.

  3. Wanting to do this walk with a local bushwalking group in May 2025.
    Any further info gratefully accepted.

    1. Hi Kate, I cannot add anything really as I have not been there for almost 8 years. Best to download the GPX file if you have access to a GPS and use that for guidance. Cheers
