
Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Old Hobartians

Tuesday 5th September 2017

Beside Old Hobartians Track
While the snow was still around I wanted to do another walk through some of it. Pinnacle Road was closed at the bottom at Bracken Lane due to the snow so I opted to start at the end of Lenah Valley Road and walk up the Old Hobartians Track. This proved to be a good idea.
I set off up the Lenah Valley Track and then on to the Old Hobartians Track. As I gained altitude the snow became thicker but it was easy walking on the track.
Lenah Valley Track

Old Hobartians Track

Beside Old Hobartians Track
The track zigged and zagged uphill and I soon passed the cliffs beside the track.
Old Hobartians Track

Old Hobartians Track

Old Hobartians Track

Old Hobartians Track
I worked my way uphill and walked past the small waterfall on a branch of New Town Rivulet. It was flowing quite well.
Old Hobartians Track

Falls on New Town Rivulet

Falls on New Town Rivulet

At the Falls

Old Hobartians Track
I shortly reached the Hunters Track and followed this up to Pinnacle Road just as the snow plough was doing some clearing. I then walked down the road to the Lower Sawmill Track which I walked down to the Lenah Valley Track. It was very handy that the road was closed as it made walking a breeze without having to worry about being run over.
Pinnacle Road

Beside Pinnacle Road

Pinnacle Road
Once on the Lenah Valley Track I walked up to where I wanted to go up to Kara Hut for lunch. I knew there was a track but didn't know where it started so when I thought I was basically around the right area, I simply headed straight uphill. The rocks were a little slippery but I finally made it to the hut just as it started snowing again. It would have been nice to have a fire but as I wasn't staying long, I didn't bother.
Kara Hut

Kara Hut

Kara Hut

Kara Hut

Boulder Field beside the hut
Kara Hut
I discovered the track and followed it down to the Lenah Valley Track. It was much easier walking than the way that I went up as is usually the case on a track. Once I reached Junction Cabin I followed the Old Farm Fire Trail and then an old track back to the car.
Note: Due to sensitive nature of the huts on Mount Wellington, I have omitted the access information from the map and GPX file.
Distance: 12.4 kms.
Time: 5'10"
Ascent: 940 metres
Click here to download GPX file (less Kara Hut) 


  1. Oh I'm so jealous! I've been looking at the mountain wishing I could walk up in the snow. It looks like it was a pretty awesome walk!

    1. Yes, it was a good walk, Fiona, and the snow is always so pretty. Why not just go for a walk in the snow while it is there. More coming on Thursday, I think. 😄 Denis

  2. Hey Denis,

    One of the mountain hut 'gentlemen's agreements' is that their locations aren't published online. Ranger Ben Masterman has posted notices in the huts asking this. Secrecy is all that protects these huts from anti social use. Tas Maps printed the location of Scout Hut a few years back and now look at the condition of that hut, it isn't good. Lots of graffiti and rubbish. Could you please remove the GPX file for this route? Happy to discuss further.

    Ben Storer

    1. Hi Ben,
      You will notice that I have included no location information on Kara Hut in this post, nor have I included the access track either in the two maps or in the GPX file as stated.
