
Friday, 13 April 2018

Mount Hobbs

Friday 13th April 2018

Maria Island from Mount Hobbs Summit
I had been to Mount Hobbs before but decided on doing it again with the aim of visiting the split rock to the west of the summit.
I started in Dares Road as I did last time but there are various other ways of walking to it. This is probably the most direct route. I walked up the forestry track to the H road and crossed that and kept going up the forestry road to the summit of Mount Hobbs which is all easy walking.
A few views from the summit.

After a look around I headed back down the road and then walked almost due west for 300 metres to the location of the split rock. It was a little scrubby but quite easy going. After locating it, I ditched my pack and walked along the split and returned back to my pack via the same route. It was a tight squeeze in a couple of places but quite achievable. I would suggest that if one is carrying a few extra kilos or is claustrophobic then maybe give it a miss. I would say that it is only about 30 metres long but quite interesting.
A few views of the split and walk through.

After retrieving my pack I walked along the cliff line for a short distance before returning and having lunch at the cairn. There were good views out to the west.

Unusual Cairn
After lunch I simply returned to the forestry road and walked back to the car.
A quite easy and interesting short walk with good views.
Distance: 9.0 kms.
Time: 3'33"
Ascent: 500 metres
Click here for GPX file.


  1. That looks amazing, Dennis; I'll have to get there sometime. Were there any tiger snakes in the split?

    1. No snakes Chris. There was a bird or a bat, I am not sure, as I did not get a good look at it.
